Breaker Shutoff Switches with Optional Dirty Electricity Filters
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When possible, removing the source of EMFs is obviously a great way to reduce your exposure but that is not always a realistic possibility. However, removing the electricity from the wires in your walls, floors, and ceiling is often a realistic possibility and it can make a dramatic reduction to the electric fields nearby, as well as the Dirty Electricity that is carried by electric fields (without the electric field to make contact between your body and the wires nearby, the “dirtiness” would be irrelevant).
Important note: it is very important to measure (preferably with a sensitive Body Voltage meter that is grounded directly to the earth/soil outdoors) the results of turning off different breakers as there is no other way to determine which will be the most beneficial breaker/combinations of breakers to turn off. It is not uncommon for the electric fields to cancel each other so the results of turning off breakers/unplugging power cords etc can be very counterintuitive (surprising).