New video on “The Untold Story of Our Wireless World – A new understanding of how EMFs affect us.”  Watch it on our Youtube Channel.

Michael's affordable eCourse, with practical EMF info for everyone, now includes lifetime membership!
Concerned about EMFs but don’t know where to start?

Satya Giordano, CECT

Michael R Neuert, MA, BSME

Neuert Electromagnetic Services

Electrical Contractor License #687093

Contact Us

Michael’s Full Retirement in October of 2024:

After more than 32 years in this field, I have fully retired from my EMF work with clients, and my Q&A sessions with eCourse students. Please note that our celebrated on-line course “EMF Solutions for Your Health” is still available, including recent updates about 5G.

Satya Giordano (my EMF apprentice and co-owner for over 10 years) now provides all of our EMF testing, shielding and consulting services.  And he is accepting new clients, both on-site and via telephone. Many thanks to you all over the years, Michael Neuert

The best way to schedule a telephone consultation with Michael or Satya is through their online calendars:
Click Here for Michael’s Calendar
Click Here for Satya’s Calendar

Contact Us By Email (Protected by reCAPTCHA V3)

Contact Us By Telephone

You can call our office at 707-578-1645, at any time of day or night, seven days a week, and leave a message.  Please also tell us what time zone you are in, and what are good times to call you back.

Contact us By Mail (Also Our Shipping Address)

EMF Center
Attn: Satya Giordano
911 Lakeville St #297
Petaluma, CA 94952
(707) 578-1645

Our Policy About Personal EMF Questions

It is our policy to not answer personal questions about EMFs, without being in a formal consulting agreement.  Most EMF questions are actually more complicated than they appear.  We usually need more information about your particular needs and situation to answer your question well.  Second, we get so many questions, it is simply impossible for us to answer all the personal EMF questions that people send for free, even if they seem like short or quick questions.   Thank you for understanding that we need to charge appropriately for our expertise and time.  Of course, there is no charge for answering questions about our products, training courses, services, or for scheduling appointments.

What are Personal EMF Questions?

Please understand that if you are asking personal questions about EMFs — their effects on your own health, how to test some specific EMF source, how to shield something, what meters you should buy, how much EMF is emitted from something like a cell phone, cell tower, power line, etc. — these are all personal EMF consultation questions.  We will be glad to talk with you individually about any of these concerns, but we do need to be in a formal consulting agreement with you, and charge a fee for our phone and email consulting time.  Please click here for our consulting rates.

Lots of Free EMF Information on this Website

Although it is our policy not to answer personal EMF questions for free, there is a huge amount of free information about EMFs that we have provided on this website.  If you want to search for a particular EMF topic, please click here.  And our eCourse “EMF Solutions for Your Health” contains much of the EMF information that most people are asking for.

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Also, click below for info about Michael’s newly revised eCourse, EMF Solutions for Your Health! which includes 5G updates and monthly live Q&A’s with students.